Come join us at SEAZA!

Joining us at SEAZA will help you and/or your institution stay connected with stakeholders of zoos and aquariums in the region and beyond and keep abreast with current developments in zoo and aquarium management practices.

Kindly browse through the following types of membership and accomplish the appropriate application form and requirements at the end of each. Please read the Membership Primer by clicking this link for more details on the process of membership.

Current members, kindly register at the Members Area to view SEAZA member-exclusive content e.g. training materials, committee reports, etc.

Association Member

SEAZA membership is open to National Zoo Associations from Southeast Asian countries. Each country should be represented by a single association. In cases where multiple associations exist within a country, they should collaborate to designate a sole representative. If a country lacks a formal zoo association, a duly registered organization or company may apply for membership. It's important to note that while zoological institutions may be part of a SEAZA-recognized National Zoo Association, they do not automatically become SEAZA Institutional Members. Individual institutions must submit separate applications and be accepted to gain membership status.

Institution Member

SEAZA Institutional Members are zoos, aquariums, wildlife or marine parks, and nature or farm parks that are open to the public and located in Southeast Asia. To become a SEAZA Institutional Member, an institution must first be a member of its respective Southeast Asian country's National Zoo Association. The institution's representative in SEAZA should be a high-ranking official, such as the president, chair, director, CEO, or another authorised executive.

The SEAZA Institutional Member application form can be downloaded here.

International Institution Member

International Institutional Members are organisations based outside of Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong that support SEAZA's vision, mission, and interests. To qualify, they must complete the SEAZA Animal Welfare Evaluation and Certification process and adhere to the SEAZA Constitution.

International Institutional Members may not hold positions on the Executive Board or standing committees. They may be represented on other Society committees. An official representative appointed by the International Institutional Member may attend General Assemblies, participate in discussions, but cannot hold office, vote, or constitute a quorum.

The SEAZA International Institutional Member application form can be downloaded here.

Affiliate Member

SEAZA Affiliates are organisations that support SEAZA's ideals and are willing to actively participate in its programs and endeavours. This includes zoological institutions or organisations based outside of Southeast Asia, as well as scientific institutions such as academic institutions, museums, conservatories, farms, gardens, non-governmental organisations, and animal interest groups, both within and outside of Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Affiliates may apply for SEAZA membership through this form.

Corporate Member

SEAZA Corporate Members are companies that provide products or services to zoological institutions. They support SEAZA’s ideals and are committed to actively participating in the association’s programs and endeavours.

Companies seeking membership in SEAZA can submit this form.

Individual Member

SEAZA Individual Members are individuals who are either professionals or specialists working in the field of zoos and aquariums, or professionals, specialists, or researchers working on wildlife or biodiversity programs or affiliated with zoological institutions or organisations.

Please note that Individual Members cannot officially represent their affiliated institutions or organisations unless these entities apply and are accepted as Institutional, Affiliate, or Corporate Members of SEAZA.

Individuals who would like to be members of SEAZA can use this form to apply for membership.