Call for Papers

The theme of the 32nd SEAZA Conference is “Gathering for Rewilding”. Everyone, both within and beyond SEAZA, is invited to submit their papers for consideration.


A. Animal Health

B. Animal Training and Husbandry

C. Nutrition

D. Conservation and Research

E. Animal Welfare and Enrichment

F. Education and Marketing

G. Population Management

H. Zoo Design

1. In your email submission, kindly indicate your topic (see above list) in the subject line.

2. All papers must be in English, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Times New Roman font, submitted in Word format (.docx), and limited to one page. PDFs and other formats will not be accepted.

3. Please submit abstracts via e-mail to When submitting, please indicate whether you wish to be considered for Oral or Poster Presentation.

4. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 August 2024.

5. The acceptance of the abstracts will be announced on 20 September 2024. Delegates with accepted presentations will be notified by email.

Oral Presentations:

1. Presentations should not be longer than 15 minutes.

2. When presenting, all presentations must be presented on the computer provided by Taipei Zoo. Please create a PC-compatible multimedia presentation and be sure to test your presentation on multiple computers.

3. You are welcome to test your presentation on our computer on 23 October 2024 during the registration and icebreaker.

4. Click here for a sample abstract template.


1. Posters should be displayed vertically (portrait format) and should be in A0 size (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm)

2. Posters must be printed and brought to the conference no later than 9:30 am on 24 October and the electronic file should be sent in PDF format before 21 October via e-mail to

3. Include the following at the top of your poster: Title of poster, your name, job title, and institution.


This programme is as of 6 June 2024 and will be updated accordingly.

SEAZA 2024 Tentative Programme as of 6 June 2024